From me to you
I don't know about you - I found that 2024 went galloping on and left me gasping in January 2025. Nothing went the way I thought it would in 2025. I had it all mapped out, and then ended up moving continent, training dogs, setting electric fences for bulls, releasing dung beetles and more... and gaining a whole family with an ADHD partner and 3 neurodivergent step-kids. So much for being forced to walk your own talk....
I don't feel I really got the usual pause I like to take over Christmas and new year to stop, go inward and reconnect to what really makes me joyful. And yet I found a way to accept that this year has been different, and just to roll with it and observe. What it made me realise is that I can bring those minute pauses into every day - constant resets where I slow down and find joy. It feels like finding spaciousness in chaos, peace in a whirlwind. I learnt this because I desperately needed a real holiday so had to find a way to have one in the middle of life happening! Can you relate? If you are a parent, and especially if your children are highly sensitive or differently wired, then you most likely can.
That's why I'm moving gently into this new year, still integrating, reflecting, envisioning and dreaming. Most of all i am enjoying - myself, every moment and life unfolding. This year feels different - lighter, more hopeful, easier, more expansive and connected. I feel strong and focused. To be honest all this feels wonderful. I'm preparing my own intention for the year as I also prepare to support you in unveiling yours.
ARTICLE: What we think we want for the new year vs the Soul's True Agenda
I'm going to keep this short and sweet. New Year's resolutions hardly ever happen (groan) and doesn't it feel defeating year after year. Have you ever stopped to wonder why?
Resolutions they often come from the aspects of our personality that feel disconnected to the essence of our true selves.
There's a big difference between what you think you should do from a headspace of the external, ambition, the material and so on. Versus what you might discover if you sit and listen quietly inside your body and let your inner wisdom whisper to you.
But how can I tell the difference between the mind and the soul?
My offering to you for this year is instead of pulling yourself up by the socks and trying to rattle yourself into action over something like losing weight or changing your career, you might like to try something different. Putting all that aside and instead sinking deep into the inner armchair of yourself and allowing something to emerge from deep inside. Something maybe forgotten, pushed aside or hidden. Something that you really really want, that lights you up inside but doesn't come from obligation. I will guide you through this step by step in my workshop listed below - if you are wondering how earth you would do that for yourself. It takes less than an hour and anyone can do it...
Resolutions and goals focus on the external, the material - something outside of yourself. an intention is not concrete - it refers to an inner state that you want to experience, and as such is not a concrete goal. It works because it arises from a feeling inside you - for example, "I am at home wherever I go" is an intention. "I now own a house by the beach" is an affirmation focused on something external. They are very different.
So what's the point of setting an Intention?
An intention comes attached to a different kind of motivation. It's a pull instead of a push or a gun held to the head. It has natural energy, it is generative and easy. It creates joy. It's also not something that you will give up on so easily because once you have crafted an intention of 3-5 words we can check it in meditaion for resonance in your body. Whatever resonates is true. That means it is authentic, it aligns with you and belongs to you. What is yours will happen. Whatever lands outside of you will not. It's that simple.
Setting your Intention
There are many ways to set an intention. You can choose a word to guide your year that may come to you in meditation. Or you can consider what you would like, choose from a list of possible areas, craft something and see how it resonates. If you would like to be thorough about this, please click on the link in the upcoming events section below.
I had a really amazing year this year after I set the intention "I rest in my rooted soul". I spent many days and weeks walking through redwood and other forests in New Zealand, and connected with people and animals that I never imagined I would meet. I arrived in a country where I feel like the earth becomes spacious and welcomes me, as do the human communities. I didn't have those external experiences in mind when I wrote the intention. It was just a feeling of inner vibrancy, authenticity and peace. So that's the power of an intention - I can't wait to hear about yours and what happens to you.
If you're in the northern hemisphere then one of the hottest tips I can offer if you're looking for inner connection and soul wisdom is to light a fire in the hearth and spend an evening staring in to the flames. As the flames dance and crackle, soften your gaze and allow them to take you into a trance-like dream state. Afterwards write down what came to you.
If you're in the southern hemisphere where it's hot, I find that a stroll in the cool forest where you focus on your feet touching the ground and noticing your breathing in and out can create a similar open-minded creative effect. Happy daydreaming...
If you haven't got your intention sorted yet for this year or have no idea how, you're in luck. I'm holding a Soul-led Intention Setting Workshop for 2025 next week, where I will guide you through the process and do live work to help a few of you refine your intention. The workshop is for parents, those who work with children and adults in general who want to be more connected within themselves to move their lives forward in a joyful powerful direction whilst improving relationships.
Here's the link if you feel called to join: it will be profound and transformational. You need to get your tickets in advance to be emailed the zoom link, and numbers are limited.
And a couple of comments from last year's participants:
A big thank you for this great Workshop. What a beautiful process! It was so lovely to be able to connect with everyone and with my soul :) So simple, so touching. And so needed. I feel very grateful to you.
I hope to see you there. This is one of my favourite ways to connect and bring through the magic that each of us holds. To see and be seen, hold and be held. You are all warmly welcome.
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