I’ve been observing recently how vulnerable I feel when I lean back into my own being. Instead of doing more and more and searching on the outside for what I supposedly need to make “happen” I am just leaning back. Going within. Sinking down. Feeling sensations and letting everything be. Surprisingly the more I am being with myself without doing anything at all, the more things are working out on the outside. This seems so counter-intuitive, but only in the crazy externally world that we live in, which totally distracts us from our true source of power. If you watch the majority of children, who are still in contact with this inner self, it makes total sense. Have you ever seen a cat trying to effort? Of course not.
So what are we actually trying to achieve with our parenting? Why do we put so much emphasis on the external, on doing and learning more, on results, skills, grades and so on, and hardly any at all on the internal? The feelings, desires, needs, dreams, interest, curiosity and enthusiasm that young children have naturally? Why do we try to train them out of it? What kind of a world are we asking and expecting them to fit into? This is the stuff that I wonder about constantly the more I get in touch with my simple essential self or soul. I am happy just being. I don’t really need any "thing". At least not any of the stuff most people seem to “need”. And my sense is that this same soul issue, or lack of soul-connection is also at the root of many problems that parents and children face. Which is what prompted today’s article below.
7 Reasons why your child doesn’t need a therapist
There’s no easy way to say this. I really understand why tired, frustrated and overwhelmed parents would want someone else to sort their child out.
However if your child has an issue then taking them to a therapist is only the answer in a miniscule percentage of cases. And the result will only be short-term. If your child has a problem then the solution is usually located in the parent-child relationship.
The deeper question is why are so many parents giving up on figuring things out with their child? Why on earth do they think that an “expert” would know more about their child than they do? I think the likely answer is a combination of very fast busy lives, an external focus on answers out there, the idea that there is one right way, less and less actual emotional contact with their own children, and simply a massive lack of public information about what children actually need. It must feel awful and disempowering not to know what to do as a parent, to be sleep deprived, overwhelmed and at your wits end. And sometimes also being accused and blamed by teachers or other parents into the bargain.
I have some empowering concrete pointers for why this is not usually the answer and how to move toward finding solutions.
Feel free to print this out and also share the link with your friends. The link to get the pdf is here.
On Friday 23rd Feb I am holding a Guilt-Free Parenting Workshop, where we will use your body wisdom to identify an area of your parenting where you most need to release guilt and then you can let it go with the full moon. During this process you’ll get more connected with yourself and find clarity and new direction.
It’s an opportunity for you to experience my work and meet me, as well as take a powerful step forwards towards resolving your child’s (and your own) issues. If you have friends who haven’t connected with me yet and are curious, invite them along. The first session is free of charge.
" A big thank you for this great workshop! What a beautiful process! It was so lovely to be able to connect with everyone and with my soul :)
So simple, so touching. And so needed. I feel very grateful”
was what a participant from this month's call said. This highly effective method for realigning your parenting is not on offer anywhere else and places are limited - so reply to this email for information and to book your place for the workshop on by February 17th.
I currently have 2 spaces open on the 6-month Problem Buster Programme for parents looking to fully handle and eliminate a serious childhood dis-order like ADHD, Tourette's or reluctance to try new things. These opportunities don't come up so often, so if you know anyone who is struggling and has had enough please let them know. Especially if they have already tried a lot of things that didn't work! To book a call to see if this programme is for you please open this link.
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