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Product 3-Month Parent-Child Realignment Programme

3 month - Parent-Child Realignment Programme


  • A programme which resolves issues for highly sensitive and neurodivergent children
  • a customised parenting re-set to resolve basic child issues and set your child up for healthy development and self-expression.
  • provides a foundation in co-regulating with the child (which reduces anxiety and emotional outbursts) and increases connection
  • a checklist of issues that highly sensitive children have to make sure the basic needs are being met – we work on the areas that are lacking to iron out problems
  • An experiential, step by step introduction to the foundations of embodied parenting which is the most effective tool to help sensitive and neurodivergent children ie principles of presence, sensation, acceptance, body-based boundaries, calm, active listening, empathy
  • Embodied parenting facilitates a shift from thinking to being, and from teaching to connecting, which positively transforms your child’s sense of self-worth and accelerates their healing and development.

Programme structure:

9 hour long sessions over 3 months with the parent

3 once a month tutoring school or creative work sessions with the child to facilitate assessment, healing and development. If this is not possible, the 3 sessions can be with the second parent. 

  • Support before and after the parenting session to maximize your investment and the results you create. Post Session Recap System -  helps to integrate the learning into your daily life.  Just in Time messages via our TCC Client Log that keeps the process going via email in between sessions

Each session will consist of

1) a weekly step by step experiential training to build being able to get calm and centred, and learning to co-regulate with your child

2) distant bodywork clearing of persistent triggers and sensations to create and embodied experience and lasting parenting change

3) Bite size essential information to cover what highly sensitive children need and how to connect with them and support them.

4) Weekly excercises with your child to apply each learning

Content –

  • audio grounding and connection excercises 
  • Basic overview of the nervous system and how it functions - experiential description of what each pathway feels like
  • self-regulation excercises
  • check lists for recognising state of child’s nervous system
  • co-regulation excercises
  • systematic practice for learning to sense inside the body, speak from the body, set boundaries from the body and stay present with yourself and your child
  • beginnings of holding space - how to really listen with your whole body
  • core knowledge of Highly Sensitive Children
    • acceptance
    • clean diet and regular meals,
    • environment, clothes and sleep
    • structure and routine
    • emotional responsability
    • detalied communication - tone of voice, words, body posture etc
    • the importance of your authenticity and truth
    • overwhelm and regular downtime,
    • nature and nurture
    • decision making,
    • and basic practices to support your child daily.
  • stick on the fridge reminders for each week's practices
  • weekly excercise to practise

This is an overview of content but this will be adapted according to your specific situation


  • Results include:
  • recognising and handling your emotional triggers > calmer you
  • understanding of your child's emotions, behaviours and needs
  • how to prevent problems
  • confidence in how to respond to your child
  • less anxious & more balanced child with growing self-esteem.

Payment structure 2250.00 GBP split into 3 payments of 750 GBP every 30 days

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1st payment of 750.00 GBP