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Product 6 month Problem Buster

 6 Month Problem Buster

  • This is the in-depth total family transformation programme for bigger issues and childhood dis-orders – tackling and dealing with issues that other specialists have not been able to fix like ADHD, tourettes, separation anxiety/shyness, results of illness like meningitis etc.
  • We will tackle the causes and symptoms of a specific dis-order presenting in the child working with nervous system regulation, body sensation and embodied sense of safety, as well as cognitive processing (as required).
  • package teaches embodied parenting which is helpful for supporting and maintaining the changes made with the child - this is an experiential, step by step introduction to the foundations of embodied parenting ie principles of presence, sensation, acceptance, boundaries, calm, listening, routine
  • a foundation in co-regulating with the child (which reduces anxiety) and recognising the 3 nervous system pathways and how to take corrective action. This is essential for parents to learn so that they have tools to support their child on a daily basis and speed up the recovery.


  • AND in addition an introduction to attuned attention to resolve issues with child fully. This is a radically effective form of immediate emotional and energetic relationship which directly resolves issues with the child. It includes communication, boundaries and teaching the child their own emotional compass (gives you the key to helping him/her to understand their own inner world and express it) to improve self-esteem and build a robust sense of self.


  • Results may vary and in some cases this package it may need to be extended by another 3 months to resolve the issue completely. Resolving previously "incurable" conditions is a process, not an exact science.


Programme Structure:

18 hour long sessions over 6 months with the parent

Each session will consist of

1) a weekly step by step experiential training to build being able to get connect and communicate effectively

2) distant bodywork clearing to facilitate more consistent embodied parenting - easier empathy and confidence in parenting responses

3) Bitesize foundational and then more advanced information to cover what highly sensitive children need in specific detailed relational terms to develop their sense of self and identity, and how to give it to them, and as it relates to the specific dis-order.

4) Weekly excercises with your child to apply each learning

5) 12 fortnightly tutoring school or creative work sessions with the child to facilitate assessment, realignment and development.

Content –

  • audio excercises for connecting with yourself and honing your relational awareness and ability
  • A audio step by step guide to emotional regulation and attuned empathy – which is the foundation of parenting a highly sensitive child
  • Basic overview of energetic relationship - experiential description of what connection can feel like for the parent and for a sensitive child. Introducing the concept of energy fields in an experiential way. 
  • An interactive ebook on the Emotional Compass - keys to the Highly Sensitive Child's Soul
  • An in-depth understanding of overwhelm, the connection to trauma and how to prevent and reduce it
  • An inventory of your child's triggers and difficult situations
  • Embodied boundaries - movement excercises to practise speaking a coherent NO from the body
  • Excericses to practise holding space and responding from presence - allowing your child's soul to develop and express
  • Refining communication based on identifying and expressing your feelings and needs, and your child's feelings and needs


Basic  + Advanced knowledge of Highly Sensitive Children

  • attuned attention and empathy
  • embodied boundaries and coherent communication
  • diffusing meltdowns
  • how to teach your child their inner emotional compass
  • navigating new situations - from shy to engaged
  • co-regulation with your child to expand tolerance in any difficult situation
  • teaching your child about body sensation to resolve overwhelm
  • perfectionism and anger
  • creativity and resolving ADHD
  • psychic abilities and night terrors)



Payment structure 5280.00 GBP split into 6 payments of 880 GBP every 30 days

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1st payment of 880.00 GBP