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Product 3 Month Child-only Continuation Package

3 Month Child Support Continuation Package:

  • This is the in-depth continued programme to tackle in-depth issues and childhood dis-orders  like ADHD, tourettes, separation anxiety/shyness, results of illness like meningitis etc. that are beyond the scope of the parent to address. This is a follow-on from a parenting package.
  • We will tackle the causes and symptoms of a specific dis-order presenting in the child working with nervous system regulation, body sensation and embodied sense of safety, as well as cognitive processing (as required), and ancestral clearing to remove deeper causes.

Weekly 45 min child session to support  - as needed:

  • aspects of school work that are challenging
  • and aspects of emotional triggers
  • sensory overload, overwhelm 
  • anxiety
  • sleep disturbance
  • social awkardness/social issues
  • reluctance to try new activities and situations
  • teaching the emotional compass - ie naming emotions, describing sensation and acting on the inner impulses
  • trauma resolution - working on the bottom-up sense of embodied safety especially in ADHD/kinaesthetic children. And consequently bringing in top-down strategies for self-calming and handling difficutl triggers and situations.
  • embodied boundaries and verbal boundaries
  • self-acceptance and understanding that heightened perception is valid

Sessions are a combination of schoolwork and creative activity plus relational work, embodiment, mindfulness strategies and play to encourage healing, relational safety, physical safety and joy.


There will be a pre-session form to be filled in by the parent and a session recap to summarise each week's progress and things to be aware of during the week.

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1299.00 GBP