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Product 6 month Captain Your Own Ship - Neurodiverse Family Re-Alignment (Monthly Installment)

6 Month Captian Your Own Ship:

Neurodiverse Family Re-Alignment Programme

Results and Benefits:

  • Increasing self-confidence and intuition
  • Knowing how to trust your body to help you make parenting decisions
  • Closer more trusting relationship with your children
  • More calm less big emotions, less anxiety and overwhelm
  • Happier family environment
  • Sense of empowerment and consciously making good decisions for your children and yourself
  • Trauma resolution
  • Trusting the road your body and feelings show you for your family
  • Change at wider personal, financial and relational levels including more clarity and less stress
  • This is a highly individual family transformation programme for bigger issues and childhood dis-orders (or children who are wired differently as I prefer). The aim is uplevel your ability to relate emotionally, energetically and bodily so you are in place to find solutions yourself with your children and have confidence in yourself to help the children thrive. We start with complete acceptance of everyone’s essence and work to support the family from the inside out (dissolving traditional parenting ideas when necessary) to find emotional calm, ease, space and structure that works individually and takes the family forwards. The mother is at the centre of this shift as her well-being is primary so that she can captain the ship. So we focus on you as the mother first.
  • First we look at the basics of creating emotional acceptance, safety and calm
  •  Next you will learn to connecting energetically with the child’s field in a way that makes them feel seen, held and loved. This is deeply transformational and connecting for both.
  • You learn to allow your body and voice to respond from that place which is both creative, intuitive and often playful. By passing the thinking mind is the only proven way when it comes to reaching HS and neurodiverse children’s souls to bring them alive again. We practice speaking from the belly. It opens up a totally different way of relating.
  • We tackle the issues on an individual level through child sessions if possible, but if not then often similar results happen through just parent sessions. Parents are really powerful in resolving their children’s issues because any change a parent makes the child will swiftly mirror. If I’m working with your child too then as a bonus I facilitate interconnections by explaining you to each other! This helps the whole family to function better together. This includes tackling and dealing with issues that other specialists have not been able to fix - beginning with the premise that the child's (and parent's) soul or essence is primary, and passions and interests matter, but so do authentic boundaries with explanations that make sense to the child. 
  • The pogramme is based in embodied parenting which uses your bodily responses and sensations as the decision-making tool and guide in parenting choices. This helpful for supporting and maintaining the changes made with the child - this is an experiential, step by step introduction to the foundations of embodied parenting ie principles of presence, sensation, acceptance, boundaries, calm, listening, routine. Having trauma or lack of body sensation doesn’t mean you can’t do this – it means you are likely already more aware than most people because life has been a struggle.
  • We use the bodywork process of Ancestral clearing – akin to craniosacral and somatic experiencing to release and resolve long-standing tensions and triggers layer by layer.


  • We will investigate foundation in co-regulating with the child (which reduces anxiety) and recognising the 3 nervous system pathways and how to take corrective action if the child is in shut-down. This is essential for parents to learn so that they have tools to support their child on a daily basis and move towards healthier functioning.
  • AND in addition an introduction to attuned attention to resolve issues with child fully. This is a radically effective form of immediate emotional and energetic relationship which directly resolves issues with the child. It includes communication, boundaries and teaching the child their own emotional compass (gives you the key to helping him/her to understand their own inner world and express it) to improve self-esteem and build a robust sense of self.
  • We will tackle the causes and symptoms of a specific dis-order presenting in the child working with nervous system regulation, body sensation and embodied sense of safety, as well as cognitive processing (as required). When I am not able to work with the child directly I can teach the same principles to the parent so that they are able to create this healing environment themselves.
  • This is a very strong transformational container and shifts often happen quickly – including long-held personal patterns unravelling and
  • Results may vary and in some cases this package it may need to be extended by another 3 months to resolve the issue completely. Resolving previously "incurable" conditions is a process, not an exact science.


Programme Structure:

3 fortnightly Child Sessions of 45 min (or 4 x30 min) per month tutoring school or creative work sessions with the child to facilitate assessment, resolving emotional issues, building self-confidence and development.

2-3 hour long sessions/month over 6 months with the parent depending on how many children sessions. 5-6 sessions/month total.

Each Adult session will consist of

1) a weekly step by step experiential training to build being able to get connect and communicate effectively

2) Clearing emotional triggers by zoom - this is a quick process called Ancestral Clearing (based in craniosacral and somatic experiencing principles) to reduce or elimiate emotional reactions to certain events- and improve empathy and confidence in parenting responses

3) Bitesize foundational and then more advanced information to cover what your particular kind of neurodiverse children need in specific detailed relational terms to develop their sense of self and identity, and how to give it to them, and as it relates to the specific dis-order.

4) Weekly excercises with your child to apply each learning

Content –

Self Care

  • audio excercises for grounding
  • audio meditation for boundaries
  • audio for connecting with yourself and improving your relational awareness and ability
  • releasing/integrating emotional triggers through ancestral clearing weekly to increase permanent embodiment – or the feeling of being connected in the body.

Learning about your unique child/children

  • Direct support for your child’s soul and unique abilities and interests
  • A step by step introduction to emotional regulation and attuned empathy – details of how the nervous system works - which is the foundation of parenting a highly sensitive child
  • Basic overview of energetic relationship - experiential description of what connection can feel like for the parent and for a neurodiverse child. Introducing the concept of energy fields in an experiential way which changes everything for the children.
  • An inventory of your child's triggers and difficult situations
  • An audit of your family/childs physical environment for triggers
  • An in-depth understanding of overwhelm, the connection to trauma and how to prevent and reduce it for your children.

Learning to Access your Embodied Parenting Wisdom whilst respecting yourself

  • Embodied boundaries - movement excercises to practise speaking a coherent NO from the body. Daily excercises to get more connected with your body.
  • Excericses to practise holding space and responding from presence - allowing your child's soul to develop and express
  • Refining communication based on identifying and expressing your feelings and needs, and your child's feelings and needs

 Autism/ADHD needs explained from the inside out and demystified in practice 

  • I will translate from your child’s experience to show you what works better for them, including:
  • Acceptance acceptance accptance
  • Reducing demands 
  • Being collaborative: Try to flatten hierarchies and use a collaborative approach. 
  • Using sentence starters: Try using sentence starters like "I wonder if we can..." or "Let's see if we can make something...". 
  • Being flexible: Be flexible and try to be conversational in your language. 
  • Avoiding shaming: Try to avoid shaming, blaming, or chastising. 
  • Supporting sensory needs: Try to identify when your child or you might be overwhelmed by sensory input – or need more stimulation
  • Providing choices: honouring each child’s individuality and empowering them to shine at being themselves
  • How to deal with external criticism
  • Talking to school teachers. 

Commonly Asked Questions

Q: I want to get out of my head and more into my body – how can you do bodywork via zoom?

A: Ancestral clearing works though the emotional and mental fields directly with breath and body sensation. You don’t have to be practised for it to work, just open and willing to receive. In addition Mira usually gives walking, grounding and movements to be done daily.

Q: what if one or more of my children are screen averse or won’t let you work with them?

A: I will work with whoever is willing and often things shift over time. The most important thing is to work with you as the parents since you are the one able to experience your child daily, spot the patterns, and feel the responses. You will ultimately also be the one to know what to do to find solutions.

Q: what if my partner is not on board?

A: As long as you are willing to do the work anyway it doesn’t matter. This is a very common situation and often partners learn by example and by copying what works from your actions.

Q: why can’t the mainstream professionals help me?

A: they are looking at children from the point of view of behaviours and motivations, not from the soul, emotions and desires so they miss the obvious points where a child is struggling in the system or has shut down. Most children are far more emotionally and perceptually connected than adults which is why they are often frustrated and adults can’t seem to reach them.


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