Real Life Success Stories


We tried to find answers everywhere for the emotional instability of our 8 year old son, Thomas. It seemed impossible to find the reason for his emotional disturbances that led to profound moments of unhappiness and big frustrations, even while he was asleep. With Mira he looked at his ‘hidden inside’, and she helped him find stability and peace. This was almost totally through bodywork and Mira just helping him sense himself and his emotions. She also helped us as his parents to understand how we could support him in very simple ways. She suggested a supplement that was effective overnight. His tics are gone. We don´t have to medicate him. He has grown emotionally and became a much happier kid. In fact you can't really tell him from the other children. He is now able to express himself much better which gives him peace. He really enjoys the sessions and seems to sense how good they are for him. Its amazing that the bodywork sessions could help him express and improve his schoolwork without doing any talking…

Mira had a profound effect on my life and that of my nine-year-old son (with ADHD) when we spent some time with her. After experiencing bodywork with Mira for the first time, my son, who has an ADHD diagnosis, was calm and able to function easily where before he had been plagued by tics. The difference in his behaviour was so marked at school the next day that his class teacher phoned me up to ask what on earth had happened to him! Mira was able to connect with him and speak to him with refreshing honesty, acceptance and humour. Somehow she also gave him back his own inner connection to help him calm the tics. He was able to learn to stop the ticks as they were starting. I had one session with Mira where I will never forget the effect it had on my body, my breathing, and my well-being. At the end of the very relaxing session, she supported me while I stood laughing, gasping, crying while all the rubbish just flew out through my feet. I have never had such a feeling of space in my body. I could breathe freely and felt that my lungs could just keep on expanding, there was so much room inside! I must say I’ve never had an experience like the on I had with you. It’s an amazing gift that you have.

Isabel Stout
Hi Mira, I’ve sent my colleague links and explained how I think your parenting support works for my whole family dynamic and how it’s a crucial part of any transformational process. The way you support both me and my children to be ourselves and respect each other is what I am loving most about working with you. We're all becoming more ourselves and yet we get on better. Theres much more happiness and connection at home. When are your books available?
Through working with Mira I’ve learnt how a mother’s energy can be so heavy on the children. I learnt to feel myself and not to overwhelm them. When I approach the kids, I tune in. I sensitize myself to feeling them and do it in a way they can handle. I can actually feel them now. Sometimes I still forget and then I appologise for being rough or loud. Mira made me aware how soft and perceptive they are, and now I can sense that, I often feel like cuddling them… I can acknowledge their emotions, and I can say “I can see that you are sad, but mummy said no” and there is so much more understanding and communication. They are less angry, they understand too. You can see the shift. The work I’ve done with Mira is very present in my daily approach to my children and family.”
Anonymous mother

Playgroup Leader


Since I started doing sessions with Mira a few months ago, a lot has shifted. Initially I felt strong change on a bodily level, and became more aware of my movements and grounding. Suddenly 18 years worth of surfing technique and experience all came together. I was surfing like a dream without having worked to get there. My mind was clear and focused and I could experience the moment fully and enjoy it – WOW that is really an extraordinary experience. Through the sessions it has become crucial to me to experience life as it is, and to be authentic. I feel so much better. My/this state feels totally natural and unforced, without rules or shoulds. I can set real boundaries for my kids that work and we are all closer. It’s a feeling comes from deep inside and gives me a sense of self-assuredness and strength.

Apart from that, my energy reserves get filled up after every session and I feel a joy in being alive that I just dig!

Our 10-year-old daughter was hyper and very distant. She was also dyslexic. Since having 3 sessions of craniosacral with Mira, she is confident, balanced, energized and at peace with herself. The most remarkable thing is that in 3 weeks her writing and reading difficulties have improved dramatically. She has even started reading on her own for fun. Before she had to be forced to read and write, yet since her sessions she loves it and does it. Not only are we and Mara’s schoolteacher surprised, but Mara is also surprised by this fast change and is still wondering what happened. The dyslexia is gone. We thought it was incurable.


 Rudi Hajek

Father, Director

"I met Mira at a very unstable time in my life as my three-year-old daughter was suffering severally from eczema. As confronted as I was by my own unhappiness, Mira was able to allow me to see the feelings I was desperately trying to deny, and to support me, my husband and my children with her undeniable calm and gentle approach. She has taught me so much about emotions and the importance of acknowledging their presence, allowing them to be there without judgment and then letting them go. Not only for myself but also for my children.” 




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