
Meet Mira Watson...

Mira Watson is a Parenting Facilitator who works with worried and frustrated parents struggling with emotional and behavioural difficulties in their children. She helps them to stay calm, connect with their children and get them feeling happier about themselves. They start to thrive again. As a result parents get more confident and home life becomes relaxing and enjoyable again.

Mira knows that to support neuro-divergent and highly sensitive children, parents need to learn something called Embodied Parenting. This is a way of being that helps parents connect with their body sensation and figure out how to create relational safety for the child. This helps these children overcome their issues and continue developing. And this starts with the parent learning to do this for themselves, and discovering how their particular children function and what they need. She has dozens of testimonials from thankful parents who had taken their children to top specialists around the world, yet it wasn't until they started working with Mira that things started to shift and transform.

Mira authored a research paper for the British Council in 1994 on the importance of parental attention in determining cognitive development in street children in Mexico. This paper was used to determine policy for a large child support NGO for all their educators and facilitators. Since then she has worked with hundreds of children, initially in a tutoring capacity for children with learning difficulties, and then with their parents. She has researched solutions for anxiety, ADHD, Tourette’s, Asperger’s and rare genetic conditions firsthand and found ways to improve functioning and alleviate suffering for multiple families in different cultures. She has spent thirty years creating a methodology that is individualised, fast, and very effective in getting the most vulnerable children support from their parents in a simple, organic process that any person can achieve.

Mira is qualified as a Family Constellation Practitioner, a Craniosacral Therapist, a trauma resolution practitioner, an Advanced Ancestral Clearing Practitioner, an expert in High Sensitivity and Highly Sensitive Children, is a private tutor for children and has worked alongside a natural birthing practitioner treating newborn babies. 

Mira holds a BA and MA in Social Anthropology from Kings College, Cambridge University, and an MSc. in Development Studies from SOAS, London. 

Outside her passion for supporting parents and sensitive children, she runs an organic farm full of rescue animals (and lots of cats). She loves reintroducing people to spending time in nature and the benefits of growing your own food. She also teaches 5 rhythms dance and plays the cello.



Want to explore whether we’re meant to work with each other?
Book your 50 minute complimentary
First Steps to Understanding your Highly Emotional Child session.

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